Label: Kino Lorber.
Physical Media Release Date: 07/30/24.
Form of Release: DVD.

A mobile task force is dispatched across Denmark to help local police solve tough cases.
To Unit One, the case at hand is all that matters.
The 2000s were full of fantastic crime procedurals and Unit One (Rejseholdet) is no different. Running from 2000 to 2004, at 32 episodes and four seasons worth of content, Unit One may be a forgotten hit we all need to rediscover.
Taking place in Denmark, the show is a subtitled experience. It’s a dramatically engrossing crime thriller that balances fiction with reality having been inspired by true crime tales over the years. Where the drama and the dark side of the investigation can be quite endearing, the overindulgence in romantic subplots cause a bit of hesitation.
The reason everyone might bat an eye at this series these days is because of the name Mads Miklelson. Hannibal himself stars in this wonderful ensemble piece with Charlotte Fich, Lars Brygmann, Waage Sandø, Erik Wedersøe, Trine Pallesen, and Michael Falch also starring.
While it is being released on the DVD format which may be a turnoff for some collectors out there, it’s worth considering the type of equipment they used at the time to film. If you look at the early shows like the first few seasons of Doctor Who, just upgrading to Blu-ray doesn’t necessarily do a lot so DVD works in this case (a higher quality player will also uprez the end product as well).
The Unit is a brilliant procedural that dives down a dark path quite often, not afraid to air the worst parts of the world that hide in plain sight. Yet another sign that foreign markets know how to create better television than the states, with a few exceptions making the rounds once in a while.
Approx. 1869 minutes.
# Of Seasons
Four Seasons, 32 episodes
Original Release Run
