THE DIVE (2023)
Release Date: 08/25/23 [Cinemas / VOD]
Genre: Thriller.
Studio: RLJE Films.
"Two sisters go diving at a beautiful, remote location. One of the sisters is struck by a rock, leaving her trapped 28 meters below. With dangerously low levels of oxygen and cold temperatures, it is up to her sister to fight for her life."
The Dive is a tense, nerve-wracking nail-biter of a movie that will keep you guessing until its very last minutes. It’s honestly difficult to review this film without spoiling it. Even the trailer gave too much away for my liking, so avoid that if you can and just watch the movie.
Although it’s a “two-hander” with just two characters, the ocean plays such a huge role in the story that it almost serves as an ominous and terrifying third character. Filmed on location in beautiful Malta, The Dive delivers credibility and gorgeous cinematography as reliably as heart-pounding terror and thrills. If you’re claustrophobic or thalassophobic, you may find this undersea thriller panic-inducing; I’m neither of those things and it was nearly that for me!
The tagline on the movie poster for The Dive reads “No Air. No Time. No Hope” and that does pretty much sum things up. Sisters Drew and May go scuba diving in a super remote location and very bad things happen. To say more would do the viewer a disservice. What I liked about The Dive is that none of the usual, expected bad things happen – instead, there are a whole host of nontraditional disasters and all of it seems extremely plausible and realistic.
Honestly, this movie could tank the entire scuba industry because I wanted to give diving a shot until I saw these two sisters’ nightmare play out before my eyes. I can’t remember the last time a movie had me this stressed-out and anxious. For a film with sparse or few moving parts, the creators of The Dive are to be commended for creating so much drama, tension, suspense and action with such a bare minimum of props, sets and actors.
