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Release Date: 09/27/24 [VOD / PHYSICAL]
Genre: Horror.

Studio: Octopunk Media. 

"In this sequel to 2020's LIVESCREAM, a popular group of content creators face the ultimate lesson in teamwork when a haunted video game begins killing them one by one." 


Michelle Iannantuono's Livescreamers is a wildly good time, fueled by its video game aesthetic and bloody delights. Becoming a livestreamer has become an uphill trend for many years now, with many not managing to gain much of a fanbase, but in this instance we are following one of the success stories. A team of streamers who have their own distinct personality and backdrop, yet share the same office space. Showcasing a wide range of the stereotypes of streamers that are easy to gravitate towards. The film follows this group as they have the opportunity to test out a new game before it ever hits the market… a new horror video game. AND unlike a traditional day in the office though, this one is special as a superfan has earned the opportunity to play alongside their favorites. Now with the stage officially set, the stream is about to begin as they deep dive into an exclusive first look...


Using Unreal Engine, the filmmakers have crafted a game that truly fits the realm of the movie. As the plot continues forth and the stakes grow higher, the graphics begin to fully immerse you in more than the real life counterparts. Just as someone watching an entertaining stream of a horror game: you have the jokes, the jump scares and the arguing. The only difference is unlike a typical stream, this game has serious consequences for making the wrong move. 


Play the game and possibly die, quit the game and certainly die, take a chance to beat the game and survive it all. The dynamic between everyone involved with Livescreamers is absolutely terrific as they all seemingly feel like streamers who have worked alongside each other for ages. With this comes their common grievances as well as fondness for each other, they ultimately have all come together to do a job and not see each other’s demise. With such a limited cast, everyone has to excel to make this work flawlessly and while the cast as a whole has its faults there are highlights along the way. If you were watching a live stream and randomly came across this, would you expect these folks to act any differently? 


The less you know about the kills and the video game itself the better but just be certain that the effects will surprise with their collaboration with the game. It’s a batshit crazy narrative that cleverly takes a modern dream career and turns it into an absolute nightmare. While not all the scares work to their full potential, the tension is undeniable and the film is captivating in its unique execution. The kills while some stand out more than others, one particularly shines through as my favorite, there are a few underwhelming special effects that hinder a death here and there. Some kills are appropriately brutal, while others fail to make an impact. 


A key plot point along the path to the final boss will throw people’s perception of the narrative in two different categories: those who are down for it and those who need a little more to go down that designated route. As someone in the latter, the film almost lost its tantalizing grip, but managed to maintain it in reflection of the picture that played out. A highly conceptual and fascinating watch that should easily captivate those in the golden era of streaming; possibly spawning a new trend of filmmaking that is more than just a gimmick and instead an enthralling new form of storytelling, especially when depicted in the horror genre.


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